Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions

Colchester School of Gymnastics

Terms and Conditions

We follow the policies and good practice guidelines of British Gymnastics.

By booking or attending any Colchester School of Gymnastics session, or by partaking in a competition/event arranged by or via us, you accept these terms and conditions.

  1. Colchester School of Gymnastics is a registered charity (number 1154320).
  2. We are registered with British Gymnastics.
  3. We are GymMark accredited. The GymMark Scheme has been developed by British Gymnastics, in partnership with Sport England and the Home Country Sports Councils. Its purpose is to provide recognition for clubs that are committed to providing quality experiences, encouraging young people to take up sport, whilst focusing on improving their talent and maintaining a life-long participation in sport. Gaining GymMark accreditation means that our club is recognised by British Gymnastics and their partners as a safe, effective and child friendly club, providing a service in the community that children and young people, their parents/carers and others with a passion for Gymnastics can trust.
  1. We subscribe to the British Gymnastics codes of conduct including (but not limited to):
  • Health, Safety and Welfare policy
  • Safeguarding and Protecting Children Policy
  • Safeguarding and Protecting Vulnerable Adults Policy
  • Equality Policy
  • Standards of Conduct
  • Codes of Conduct
  • Complaints and Disciplinary Procedures
  • Membership Regulations
  • Registered Clubs Regulations
  • Photography Regulations
  • Financial Regulations
  • Anti-Doping Policy
  1. Gymnasts can only participate in a session if British Gymnastics membership/insurance has been paid in full. If you have not paid your membership, your gymnast will not be able to participate in the session.  The British Gymnastics membership year is on a yearly rolling membership from the date of registration.
  2. Gymnasts and parents/guardians agree to abide by all club policies, statements, code of conducts and payment terms.
  3. Jewellery  – please refer to the codes of conduct where you can find the jewellery policy.
  4. Gymnasts under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a responsible adult to and from sessions. Your children are your responsibility until they are registered in the gym hall.
  5. Do not drop children off in the car park.  Your children are your responsibility until they are registered in the gym hall.
  6. You understand that gymnastics involves risks and that although mats and extensive safety equipment are provided, this may not prevent injury.
  7. Under no circumstances should any gymnastics (or any physical activity or sport) be undertaken in the changing rooms, bathrooms or in any other part of the premises.
  8. We give opportunities for talented children to develop.
  9. Our aim is to progress our gymnasts to work towards appropriate level Competitions.
  10. Colchester School of Gymnastics will amend a gymnasts’ training schedules to suit ability, commitment, development and/or progress. This could mean an increase or decrease of hours.  This is at the discretion of the Senior Coaching team.


  1. Fees are due in advance, via Gym club solutions and Stripe payment and must show in our account before partaking in any Colchester School of Gymnastics session, event etc. Fees are taken on a subscription and a request to cancel can be made at any point by logging into your account. This cancellation will then take place at the end of a term for preschool or home ed class, end of a quarter for recreational classes and end of the month for squad classes.
  2. If any fees are overdue this may result in membership suspension and the gymnast will be unable to partake in gymnastics sessions or other club activities
  3. Colchester School of Gymnastics requires British Gymnastics Membership (compulsory) and this is taken out via Colchester School of Gymnastics. Recreational Level Membership is suitable for most gymnasts.
  4. After your first term, if the gymnast continues the fees are paid in advance each quarter by subscription. A break down of fees and dates payment will be taken can be found by clicking here.  Current members have priority for class spaces before any remaining spaces are released to the general public so it is most important fees are paid on time.
  5. You are agreeing to a fixed class/es each week for your child for one whole quarter.  Classes may not be changed during the quarter and refunds will not be issued if the whole quarter is not completed.  It is your responsibility to ensure that your child arrives on time and in suitable clothing.
  6. Recreational fees are due on a quarterly basis, in advance, by subscription via Gym club solutions and Stripe.
  7. ‘Quarters’ are 3 months, and gymnasts commit to attend the published dates in each ‘quarter’.
  8. There are no refunds for sessions missed by a gymnast, including replacement sessions arranged by the club but not attended.
  9. In cases of extreme weather/ unforeseen circumstances it may be necessary for us to cancel classes if it is not deemed safe to open the gym. Although, we will make every effort to offer replacement classes we are unable to guarantee this. Colchester School of Gymnastics is unable to re-imburse any cancelled classes for this reason.
  10. Our club operates over a 52 week/year, with a 50 week ‘centre open’ period.  We are closed for two weeks over Christmas.  You will not be charged for these dates.
  11. If a session is cancelled, an alternative will be offered whenever possible. Where a replacement session is arranged, no refund or credit will be offered.
  12. If a gymnast leaves Colchester School of Gymnastics and has not taken advantage of replacement sessions that have been made available, there are no refunds.
  13. Any refund requests must be made within 30 days of payment and will be considered by the Board of Trustees of the Charity.  Staff do not have the authority to authorise refunds.
  14. The sessions, session timetable and session content may be changed at any time by Colchester School of Gymnastics.



  1. You must inform us of any medical condition, or disability, which may be relevant to the child booked on to a gymnastic session via our Gym club solutions system.   You must also notify us of any change or deterioration of any such medical condition or disability. We will keep this information confidential and handle such issues with discretion. It is our policy to include any such individuals within the scheduled courses wherever possible.
  2. If a parent/guardian feels that due to injury/illness a gymnast cannot attend, they must report this to the office via email (info@colchestergymnastics.com) before their next session so appropriate attendance can be agreed, or if the illness/injury is such that they cannot safely attend then their place may be held up to the end of each quarter, and then reviewed.
  3. If your child is absent due to a medical condition which requires hospital treatment, we will require a doctor’s/hospital letter to confirm that they are fit to return to gymnastics prior to their first session back.
  4. Emergencies – it is your responsibility to keep us informed of your emergency contact details.  All details are recorded on the Gym club solutions system.
  5. Our senior coaches will act ‘in loco parentis’ in your absence.
  6. Photographs and video may be taken by Coaches to record session activity, enhance the learning process of gymnasts, for general marketing purposes – including web sites, Facebook, Twitter etc. – of Colchester School of Gymnastics.   You may opt out of allowing photography on our Gym club solutions system.


Equipment is kept in good condition with regular checks by our senior coaches.

  1. Equipment set up safely and checked regularly.
  2. We will provide suitable coaches for the level being taught. This may sometimes involve junior/trainee coaches taking groups.  This is always under the supervision of a senior coach in the gym hall.
  3. We work to lesson plans or follow badge schemes where applicable.
  4. Risk assessments are in place and up to date.
  5. Club rules are in place and reinforced.
  6. We ensure that all our staff are suitably trained and that all staff are aware of Child Protection and Health, Safety and Welfare issues and are aware of the relevant policies/practices.
  7. We have adopted the British Gymnastic Health & Safety and Welfare Policy.
  8. We have appointed a coach responsible for Health & Safety to review and update policies/practices as necessary.
  9. We have a designated child-protection officer
  10. A minimum of two responsible adults are present at all training sessions.
  11. Any skills are taught safely and progressively. Children are only allowed to try moves they are ready and able to learn.
  12. Ensuring a qualified first aider and first aid kits are present at the club sessions.
  13. Ensuring any accidents or incidents are reported and followed through the correct channels



  1. Preschool and recreational gymnasts are not required to wear club leotards/kit.
  2. Competition squads will be required to purchase club leotards/kit prior to competing.
  3. Please see the website for more information on clothing.
  4. Orders for kit/clothing must be paid for in full at the time of ordering.



  1. Colchester School of Gymnastics accepts no responsibility for any lost, stolen or damaged items whilst on Colchester School of Gymnastics property (including at satellite centres or club arranged outings). If items are left and stored temporarily by Colchester School of Gymnastics, no responsibility is accepted by Colchester School of Gymnastics.
  2. Vehicles parked or driven on our premises are at the owner/driver’s risk.
  3. Parking is allowed for the duration of a Gymnasts session.
  4. Visitors to Colchester School of Gymnastics are fully responsible for any repairs required if they cause damage to any Colchester School of Gymnastics property.
  5. The Colchester School of Gymnastics building is a no smoking area.



  1. The default method of communication with parents/guardians is email, by agreeing to these terms you will accept emails from us about gymnastics, fees, events, etc.
  2. Competitions/Events will be announced as far in advance as possible with a closing date to confirm commitment at least 7 days in advance of the event. A participation fee and payment due date will be announced. If participation fees are not received by the club by the published date, entries cannot be accepted. If an entry is accepted and payment of the participation fees has been received, no refunds will be available if the gymnast is withdrawn from the competition by the parent, or the Head Coach. (The Head Coach may for example cancel a gymnast’s participation due to skill loss and safe participation, or behaviour issues/breaking of club policies etc.) Participation fees are determined by the Management and based upon multiple factors such as; event entry, coach travel & subsistence costs, judges’ costs (if applicable), volunteer support etc.
  3. Data Protection – Information given to the Club is held in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 until 24th May 2018 and from the 25th May 2018 in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulations. Please see full details in our privacy notice.



  1. Colchester School of Gymnastics reserves the right to rescind membership/participation.
  2. Variation – We may revise these terms and conditions from time-to-time.
  3. Law and jurisdiction – These terms and conditions will be governed by and construed in accordance with English law, and any disputes relating to these terms and conditions will be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of England and Wales.

Please contact us if you require any further information.